Gastrointestinal (GI) Motility - High Resolution Manometry
Diagnosing Oesophageal and anorectal motility disorders is dramatically improved with High Resolution Manometry diagnostic technology. New sophisticated systems make oesophageal and anorectal manometry simple, accurate and complete.
The ManoScan and ManoScan 360AR systems offer diagnostic simplicity and accuracy combined with advanced analysis software to provide data and reports with unprecedented clarity. Reliable, consistent data collection and ease of operation also contribute to improved diagnostic accuracy:
Oesophageal High Resolution Manometry:
High Resolution Oesophageal Manometry measures multiple pressures in the oesophageal body and is used for the diagnosis of motility disorders such as achalasia, diffuse oesophageal spasm, and scleroderma. ManoScan 360AR is a high resolution advanced diagnostic technology that makes oesophageal manometry simple, accurate and complete.
ManoScan dramatically simplifies clinical procedures and yields fast, accurate reports that facilitate rapid identification of disorders. With ManoScan you simply place the catheter in the oesophagus, allow a brief acclimatisation period, record the swallows and you’re done. No more pull-throughs, concerns about sphincter localisation, or separate upper and lower studies. All relevant data from the stomach to the pharynx are collected automatically. Any qualified technician can perform the procedure with minimal training. The system collects reliable and consistent data records with unprecedented clarity of physiology and improved diagnostic accuracy. These records may be rapidly analysed on the system or remotely by the nurse and physician using ManoView analysis software.
Advantages offered by the ManoScan include:
- Best Possible Measurements: 36 sensors at 1cm spacing give full length, high fidelity view. Circumferential sensing and rapid dynamic response captures true physiological signature.
- Unprecedented Capability: Comprehensive high-resolution sampling of the entire oesophagus from a single probe position for optimal diagnostic acuity.
- Investigational Use: The system acquires spatio-temporal images that reveal distinctive manometric signatures in the regions of the oesophagogastric junction, oesophageal body, and UES/pharynx.
- Greatest Possible Convenience: Full coverage and auto positioning for reduced procedure times. Powerful, easy to use tools give unprecedented data analysis capability.