Weight Loss |
Weight Loss:
Protection and Treatment.
Protection against pouch dilation and dumping syndrome for patients undertaking Roux-en Y gastric bypass is now possible.
Roux-en Y gastric bypass is associated with long term weight loss, but in some patients the bypass will fail leading to patients regaining weight. The “MiniMizer” Ring gives protection against pouch dilation dumping syndrome & stabilises long term weight loss.... more |
Small Bowel Disorders |
Small Bowel Disorders:
Fast, Accurate Diagnosis.
The entire small bowel can now be diagnosed more accurately... more
Enteroscopy is now faster, more flexible and more effective... more |
Gastrointestinal (GI) Motility |
Gastrointestinal (GI) Motility:
High Resolution Manometry.
Diagnosing Oesophageal and anorectal motility disorders is dramatically improved with High Resolution Impedance Manometry diagnostic technology... more |